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Build high performing teams to remove internal barriers to growth

It’s hard to successfully collaborate across large, complex organisations when you have to deal with a tsunami of urgent requests, implement new technology and deal with that nagging doubt that the team structure isn’t quite right. 


Improving cross-functional collaboration is the key to improving job satisfaction and achieving more with the same results, but it’s often hard for a team to disrupt their own behaviours without some external facilitation.


Through a combination of identifying current pain points and considering the benefits of best practice approaches, we work with you to identify opportunities for the team to work better together.


Because we have led cross-functional teams ourselves, we are able to develop implementation plans that really work. We find there are typically 5 key areas that need to be working well to ensure the team collaborates well;

Shared goals

Each team member understands how their day-to-day activity contributes to the team achieving it's goals.

Shared processes

Everyone approaching the same tasks, in the same way, removes pain points and improves alignment.

Clear roles and responsibilities

Ensuring everyone knows who's responsible for doing the work and who's making the decisions to reduce conflict.

Regular operational rhythm for the team

Avoid drifting back into old habits by establishing a new operational rhythm to support the new ways of working.

Conflict resolution process

When frustrations arise it's important to support the team with a pre-agreed approach to resolving differences of opinion.

If a restructure is required to rebalance the team by reducing current pain points to improve collaboration and performance, we prefer to consider the range of options, once the team’s objectives, tasks, and capabilities have been identified so that the structure is designed to achieve a very clear brief by addressing key issues.


Higher education institutions are complex organisations, learning how to work more collaboratively across the organisation can help address pain points to improve both job satisfaction and performance for all involved.

For more information about how we can help you improve the level of collaboration in your team, please contact John at for more information.

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